webtoil website maintenance

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Many Webtoil clients already had existing web sites when they first came to us, but had come to realise that these sites were no longer effective or performing the tasks they were originally intended for. webtoil website maintenanceYou may feel that the design of your site needs updating or that you have new and relevant information to incorporate. Perhaps you would like advice on additional graphics and pictures.  All web sites need evaluating and modifying from time to time. Call us to ensure that your site is still current and capable. We can provide ad-hoc maintenance or a retainer service with a specified number of hours per month This would include any or all of the following services:

  • Adding, updating and deleting of copy (as supplied by client)
  • HTML and CSS Layout changes
  • Adding, updating and deleting of links
  • Standard Photography
  • Image Processing (optimisation of graphics)
  • Testing of all changes
  • Search engine registration and optimisation
  • Publishing of changes to the clients web host
  • Visits to client site as required

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.